God’s Choice

God’s Choice

pg 19
Never before had I known true believers, possesors of Truth, who are convinced beyond my imagination of the certainty of God, heaven, hell, Jesus Christ, and salvation, and of the unqualified authenticity of the Bible as God’s word.

pg 21
I was the outsider; by my own choice, I would remain one in this setting where all students could rattle off the warning, “Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers,” and all heard every day how they should behave in order to be an acceptable Christian human being. Notwithstanding their fullest cooperation, Bethanyites could never fully accept me because I lacked the credentials they recognized for acceptability.
To them, I am wanting as I am. By denying Christ as my savior, I remain always wanting, a part of the world of darkness Christians are forever urged to reject.

pg 43-44
Obedience is extraordinarily important. The teachers readily find support for it: “Obey them that have the rule of you, and submit yourselves” (Hebrews 13:17); “Children, obey your parents in the Lord” (Ephesians 6:1); “to obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). Alternately, disobedience is a sin. Questioning often is construed as rebellion, and rebellion is anathema, for it “is as the sin of witchcraft” (1 Samuel 13:23). And God punishes sinners: “Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment…he shall be put to death” (Joshua 1:18); “An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger chall be sent against him” (Proverbs 17:11)…As much as teachers exalt obedience–“the whole Christian life centers around obedience”–many feel obliged to give questioning its due, hoping to avoid, as they said, the impression of “brainwashing” or of Christians as “dumb sheep.” Questioning is acceptable if done in the right spirit, recalling 2 Timothy 2:15, that the Christian must test doctrine in order to “shew thyself approved unto God.” Students can question if they do not rebel.

pg 47-8
Few schools are as explicit and forceful as the Christian school in directing students’ vocational decisions. Students are urged to listen carefully for the possibility that the Holy Spirit is calling them into full-time Christian service, and of course, to be obedient if called. Teachers do not denigrate other work; they pay it no attention. In contrast, they give the Lord’s service constant encouragement…such service is the pride and joy of all teachers; when a student dedicates his life to the Lord it is a cause for celebration of a sort no other occupational decision recieves; and it is the one career area most fully endorsed by the entire Bethany experience, from physical education to English.

pg 55
Whereas a diversity of religious and nonreligious views characterize teachers in even the most homogeneous public school, Christian educators are of one mind on the central elements of belief. As true believers, they colelctively endeavor to make true believers of their students–that is, persons who percieve the Bible as absolute truth and who believe and mean to live by these truths absolutely. True believers do not concieve of competing, alternative truths. Truth is singular; it is to be possessed, not sought after. To reject the true believer’s way is to err and suffer the appropriate consequences. In mundane matters, truth may be pursued; in the critical matters of this life and of the hereafter, Truth is known, revealed by God in his scriptures, and must be aquired. To search for that which is already known, is to give credence to a vain intellectualism which vitiates the integrity of an inerrant Bible. Bethany’s Christians reject Lessing’s view that
if God were to hold out enclosed in His right hand all Truth, and in His left
hand just the active search for Truth…and should say to me: Choose! I
should humbly take the left hand and say: Father! Give me this one;
absolute truth belongs To thee along. (Wolfenbuttfer Fragmente)

pg 71
Ordinary people might find the Bethany teachers’ weekly round of mostly obligatory activities intolerably confining and excessively intrusive into their personal prerogatives on the use of time, In fact, Bethany teachers estimate that they give 65 percent of their waking time to the school and 15 percent to the church. The remaining 20 percent is spent with family or friends, although very few of the teachers acknowledge any social life outside the Bethany church community. Those who do are local people who grew up in Hartney and have friends and relatives nearby.

pg 75
If teachers need counsel about how to handle any sort of problem, McGraw asks them where to go: “To your college textbooks or to the Word of God?”…Teachers learn that the world’s answers are not acceptable.

pg 76
On one occasion, a number of boys, including the son of a local pastor, voluntarily withdrew from school. Anticipating the interest their decision was likely to arouse, McGraw told his teachers:
I recieved a letter from Pastor Cripps whose son is leaving school tomorrow.
You know people will ask you about this. If you haven’t been in the discus-
sions, just say that you don’t know the details. Or else tell them to see me
and say “Whatever the school does, I’m behind it.” There’s an important prin-
ciple of loyalty involved here on your part.

pg 77
Teachers often hear about humanism, a catch-all term that Bethanyites use to characterize what the world believes. McGraw presents the “five basic tenets of humanism” as: (1) atheism; (2) immorality; (3) evolution; (4) the belief that man can do anything he wants to do; and (5) ecumenism.

pg 94
BBA’s structure of control is designed to insure that students experience only desirable behavior, belief and knowledge. It is God’s plan that Christian parents and educators instruct and that students obey. Students do not have to like or to understand what they are instructed to do, but to receive God’s blessings, they must obey.

pg 98
If, for whatever reason, a teacher’ behavior is unsatisfactory, McGraw will try to improve it; Pastor Muller may join the effort. On failing to improve the teacher may be dismissed. Thsi is a relatively simple matter because Christian school teachers do not have tenure. Due process is acknowledged, but since it is not stated in their contract, teachers have no recourse within the system other than reason.

pg 103
All BBA students are subject to strong scriptural motivation to Christian behavior, ranging form accepting the role of their brother’s keeper to maintaining their testimony so they can reach non-Christians…friends intervene in teh lives of friends; classmates warn and shush wrongdoers; and anyone witnessing erious student misdeeds (cheating, for example) may report them to the authorities. What public school students call tattling, Christian school studens are taught to construe otherwise…Moreover, the Christian has a duty to “restore other believers who have fallen.” It follows directly from these beliefs that if students know of students misdeeds, they should advise the wrongdoers to report themselves; if the offenders fail to do so, they should then expect to be reported by other students. Behavior scorned at other schools is upheld as the norm at BBA

pg 105
[chapel message]
And you say, “What if my teacher is wrong?” Look at the verse, “And submit yourself as one who must give account.” God is saying that it’s your job to obey and submit. Get down on your knees and pray, “Lord, help me do what I’m supposed to do, and help my teacher.” That’s a Christian. A bad attitude is pagan.

pg 109
[Headmaster] McGraw makes judgements within the framework of an extensive structure designed to control students’ time, thought, movement, and social relations. He and his fellow educators hope students will develop self-discipline that is securely rooted in teh Word, so that their love of Christ, not a signed pledge or a demerit system, will contstrain their ehavior. Structures of control, however, do not seem to wither away.

pg 113
At Bethany, it is more than the modest dress of the girls and the short hair of the boys, and more than order in the corridors and the absence of graffitti on bathroom walls, that sets it apart from public schools and non-Christian private schools. It is the words. They roll about, pouring forth anywhere at any time, shalts and shalt nots piling up, a scriptural pearl never more than a breath away. No public school ever has been so charged with such an explicit, accepted mission, or packaged a set of means to calculated to fulfill its mission. THe educators exhort, plead, and warn their young Christians; they edify, cajole and threaten them and warn them to be immersed in the Word, and to obey and to promulgate what they have heard.
For students there is no escaping the words: feigned interst is soon detected; disregard invited gloved and ungloved rebuke; repeated scorn is the road to dismissal.

pg 115
In history Frank Fortner often asks students to ponder the propriety of some historical decision from a Christian perspective. For example, was it proper for the American colonists to rebel against their king? Did the king’s policies violate scriptural principles, and if not, should he not have been honored for his Caesarian prerogatives? The Reformation is particularly important period in world history to Protestants of any designation, and Fortner gives this period due emphasis.

pg 120
A Christian’s destiny is in the Lord’s plan. There is no turning away from it with impunity, as evangelist Ron Comfort informs BBA students.
I’m afraid to get out of the will of the Lord because I’m agraid he’ll put his
hand on my two daughters or on my wife. Of course, do things because you
love God, but you know God punishes those who get out of his will.
He tells about Clarence Loner, whose refusal to heed God’s call the the mission field led to his young wife’s death, his girlfriend’s rape, and his own brains being blown out.

pg 121
It is insufficient to go to church; you must want to go, or you must doubt your Christiannes. The doubting, already saved Christian may feel compelled to riase his hand during the invitation part of a sermon and ask to be prayed for; he may even come forward to renew his commitment in a symbolic act that communicates to himself and to others that he intends to reaffirm his acceptance of Jesus as his personal savior and to accept the consequences of this comitment.

pg 124
At every turn, Bethany students are reminded of their testimony–the bright face of goodness they can beam forth to the world, of the burdened countenance, heavy with sin, that places a stumbling block before others.

pg 128
Limited though student chances are to meet non-Christians, they hear few scriptural verses more often than 2 Corinthians 6:14, which directs them to “Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers.” This means that dating non-Christians is taboo.

pg 128-129
[Pastor Muller quoted]
What sort of person ought a Christian young person marry according to that Scripture [2 Corinthians 6:14]? Right, a Christian. You may think it’s OK to date anybody, but if you’re not going to marry them, why date them? I’m not trying to say that once you start dating that that’s the person you’re going to marry. But according to the Word of God you ought not to date someone you couldn’t marry. If you date somebody who is a bum, with no spiritual convictions, thinking you’ll reform them, forget it. It’s just like with apples–the rotten one spoils the bood ones; the good ones don’t make the bad apple good.

pg 132
[Summer Youth Trip]
From a sheet titled “Laws to Live By” tripgoers learn that tobacco, liquor, and questionable literature are forbidden. They are expected to be smiling, cheerful and willing; “rebellious spirits” are not allowed. Finally, romantic expression is controlled as much as it is in school: girls sit in the front and boys in the back of the bus; no physical contact is allowed; and no couples can go off by themselves.

pg 134
[Mormons] are on the soul-winning class’s list of cults, which includes astrology, Jesus Peple, “Moonies”, Hare Krishna, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baha’i, Christiand Scientists, and Seventh Day Adventists. Pastor Burt defines a cult as a “system of religious worthip…that doesn’t look to God as its final authority.” He suggests different sources the students can use for their research, one of them a book on Jehovah’s Witnesses, which he marked “Caution: heresy,” in case anyone picks it off his shelf to read. As far as he is concerned, he informs his class, “This is a bunch of hogwash”…”Hogwash,” “heresy,” “false doctrine,” “weird practices”–these strongly disparaging terms are deisgined to put right and wrong groups in perspective for the students with the clarity of an old-fashioned Saturday afternoon movie about cowboys and Indians.

pg 136
Steeped in absolutist convictions, Bethany’s educators and pastoral leaders have no tradition, nor do they feel any need, to give sympathetic attention to the beliefs and opinions of any group outside the fundamentalist fold.

pg 136-7
If the application of such [scriptural] principles does not have reasonably close bearing on teh issue in question, then and only then will they take a qualified position. Unsurprisingly, the fundamentalist Christian is a self-styled conservative…In this way a political position is established–if liberals support abortion and conservatives oppose it, and if the case for opposition ins drawn from Scripture, then Christians are conservative. In fact, opposition toe the Equal Rights Amendment and to equal rights for homosexuals joins abortion as a trio fo issues that form the core of current conservativism and the basis for selecting political candidates…Teachers do not dispute the justice of equal pay for both sexes, but they see the ERA as contrary to the biblical view of sex roles and therefore as undermining God’s turth.

pg 140
[excerpts from economics class]
On debts:
Don’t be a servant to man. How does this happen? Monetarily is one way. If I’ve got debts and God calls me to the mision field, I won’t be able to go.

pg 140
Embedded in these “truths” is the hard-work aspect of the Protestant work ethic, not so designated, but nonetheless clearly articulated. With specific scriptural verses provided, these actions are encouraged: goal setting for work that is to be performed with commitment, honesty, ehtusiams, and faithfulness, in the knowledge that God rewards faithful work.

pg 141
More than most schools, Bethany emphasizes doing and being, rather than knowing about…While teachers value and seldom ignore this aspect of their work, it is perhaps the least of what they do, not in terms of time but of commitment: most of what they do is directed towards becoming and being Christian. THey operate in the active mode, leaving no doubt that the proof of their Christian pudding is in teh action of living always as a Christian. Informed that there is but one standard, one outlook, one code of conduct, students are expected to see all of life as one, with no warrant for situational adjustments: riath behavior does not vary with time and place.

pg 141
Choice, doubt, suspended judgment, evidence–these are excluded form its pedagogical arsenal. On principle, they are strangers to the Christian classroom, alien presences where Truth reigns.

pg 149
[teacher’s advice for a hypothetical new student]
“The problem with some students is they want to do everything themselves. THey want to think for themselves. I know that’s the way I was when I was a kid.”

pg 160
At Bethany, Students learn that the proper compass of their concern is all Christians; they also see peer models who have internalized this ideal. In short, peer involvement in the socialization of their peer sofr spiritual ends is BBA’s norm, albeit not one that all student uniformly accept or even that its adherents invariably practice. The picture I mean to convey is one in which student intrude quite natrually in the lives of their classmates. They do so not as vigilantes or as agents of adult authority, but, rather, in the name of standards that by high school years are an ingrained dimension of their lives. That Bethany students strive to influence their peers to get right with the Lord is one ofthe school’s most distinctive qualities.

pg 166
Students are taught to conform to the academy’s code of conduct. THe more conforming students are uneasy being close to the less conforming ones; differential standards if soeecg , conduct, and social contacts generate tnesionin a setting wherein all are taught that the less spiritual, like rotten apples, always spoil their more spiritual companions.

At every turn, BBA studentsa re taught that they are their borther’s keeper and, moreover, that they live in a hostile, humanist world. Byt virtue of the faithfullness at church activities, students and adults have frequent contacts that facilitatte knowing a great deal bout ther affiliated others. This process is enhanced by the occasional act of giving one’s testimonry, a public statement that usually contains confessions of sins nd reneweds piritual commitments; and also by the common practice of public prayer of the type that preceeds each BBA class and is partof the Wednesday church service and the Saturday men’s prayer group. Thus, by means of both testimony and prayer, Bethany’s young and old acquire a great deal of personal knowledge about each other.

pg 174
When you’re away from Bethany, say in a mall, do you ever feel like you’re different form the other people you see?

Yeah, like in a way I feel sorry for them because they’re missing out on what a person should really be.

pg 175
After school do you visit with anybody?

No, I don’t really hang around with people I used to go to school with. I’ve lost all contact ’cause they’re all totally different. THe girls have reputations and I don’t want to get my reputation the same as theirs.

pg 175
Neither male nor female students contest the subordinate role of women. The believe it is God-ordained.

pg 176
What’s the best way that a girl can fulfill her calling in life?

Just being a good wife, a preacher’s wife, or something. Raising a family. A career’s OK as long as it doesn’t take up so much of their time that they don’t have time for the kids or anything [senior boy].

pg 189
More so than at most American schools of any type, the Christian school is notable for its special language, concepts, terms and values. Students are steeped in this language and values from the moment they enter BBA. Since they always learn that they are nothing without God, that they can do nothing of any consequence without his help, to believe that they can act alone is to err in favor of the rejected individualist’s perspective.

pg 190
Bethany foster no Jeffersonian marketplace of contending ideas; none is intended. One ht contrary, church and school consciously, unapologetically work to restrict their students’ cognitive associateion ” in order to avoid contact with people, books and ideas, and social, religious, and political events that would threaten the valdity of one’s belief system” (Rokeach 1960:48)

True West by Sam Shepard

So, the college eddicated brother and the breaking-and-entering brother are thrown together in their mom’s house in Podunk southern california to fight over a screenplay and sibling rivalry.

One of the major things in this play is the question of what kind of story is true-to-life. In a lot of ways, the answer to that question depends on whose life you are talking about.

What is a Western anymore? Is the western dead? Or maybe westerns are not about horse chases and desert living.

Maybe they are more about trying to make it on freeways and in the office. But maybe they still involve horse chases.

It depends on your life. These guys are so funny. I think they are true to somebody’s life. The true west now might be a lot like that.

Or not. Hard to say. But this story was funny.

I got ReLoaded into the Matrix this weekend, too

The philosophy of the Matrix is a half-step short of religion for some people.

I feel that I should be informed on pop-culture religions.

Plus, the cool outfits in the first movie made me want to see what came next.

So, I dragged my unwilling boyfriend down to the theater and we got into it. Since it’s a movie, and you can go see it anytime you want, I’m not gonna tell you the whole plot.

I will give my impressions, however.

The movie was long, but it moved fast. I didn’t feel bored or tired out by the length. So, that’s pretty good.

Some parts seemed like there weren’t enough explanation. It took conscious effort to suspend my disbelief. Not good.

But then, there were all kinds of hints at other unseen things happening. Lots of questions, the kinds of questions that give satisfying subject matter for endless after-viewing discussions.

Where did Zion really come from?
What are the motives of the Oracle?
Who is a program and who is not?
What change occurred in Agent Smith?

All good things, for those who give it importance, to talk over and ponder.

That is the sign of a good movie, for me. Interesting, discussable. I don’t think I’ll join the religion, but I’m waiting for the next one.

Sourdough Waffles

It certainly does happen very often, so when the spirit moves me to bake, I go with it. It is hot here right now, and absolutely not the weather for such activities. More like smoothie weather.

But I wanted to bake bread.

And really, the only kind of bread worth baking is sourdough bread. Those of you who have not experienced REAL sourdough bread, I can only pity.

Sourdough is associated with gold rushes, and my home state of Alaska is associated with gold rushes too. During the Alaska gold rush, it was practically illegal to enter the state without sourdough. It kept you alive.

In fact, old-timers in Alaska are called “Sourdough.” Well, old timers that know what they’re doing. You can be an old-timer and still not have a clue. Those types would not be sourdoughs. Even though I was born in alaska, I would not be an old Sourdough.

Allman’s book, Alaskan Sourdough, explains a lot of this. She gives some lore, and more importantly, she gives the right recipes for how to make and cook sourdough.

Let me tell you, that frenchbready stuff they sell in the store is NOT sourdough bread. It’s more like sourdough flavored bread. And flavored wrong, actually. Real sourdough is not sour to the taste, it’s a very unique kind of sweet.

Now that I think about it, the subtlety of the flavor reminds me of good wine.

Unfortunately, most peopleare unaware of the many OTHER uses of sourdough. In my opinion, the pinnacle of sourdough excellence is the sourdough waffle.

Fortunately, it is also the easiest recipe to make. Once you have the starter, the waffle recipe is hardly any more difficult to make than bisquick.

It is the lightest, fluffiest, tastiest waffle you will ever have. I have never met anyone outside of alaska that has even heard of this delicacy, let alone tasted it.

If anyone reading this is an adventurous cook, you really MUST try this stuff. It’s the coolest thing in the world, and very worth the work.

The Great Tennessee Monkey Trial

I remember the first time I heard about the Scopes trial. My dad was talking about Pat Robertson running for President. He said it was good that Christians were getting involved in politics. He was a Christian and loved Political Science.

I was astounded at the idea of Robertson running for President. I thought, “Don’t you have have some experience to do the job well?” I was worried he wouldn’t know how to do it right.

But Dad was telling me that he didn’t think Robertson would win, but that it was good for Christians to stop burying their heads in the sand and join the world of politics again.

“Why did they stop?”

“It was after the Scopes trial. Christians were so humliated that they just retreated from the public eye.”

After listening to the dramatic re-enactment of the Scopes trial, I can understand why they were humiliated.

In 1925, the schoolteacher John Scopes volunteered to stand trial for teaching evolution in a public school. It was coming sooner or later, so he stepped up and made it sooner.

Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan came into the courtroom and battled out the sticky issue of church and state separation, and at the same time showcased the problem of fundamentalist thinking when it encounters new ideas.

Let me be clear:
every human being is a fundamentalist in some respect. We all have some belief or other which is untouchable.

That is not to say we are excused from honest ree-examination. But it’s good to remember that we are all susceptible to being dogmatic at times.

Bryan, in this case, was the dogmatic. He was the one at the trial who was famous, and supposed to be the big gun.

But when he was cross-examined by Darrow, he ended up looking a fool. Well, in that particular case, he WAS a fool. He was ‘standing by the word of the Almighty’. Right or wrong.

And he was wrong. He was wrong because he was not being intellectually honest and examining the fact.

I firmly believe in Truth. I believe that the truth, or true thing, was there before me, and will be there after me. It is not my job to change the truth, it is my job to adapt myself into acceptance and understanding of the truth.

Bryan was not adapting. THAT is what made him look like a fool.

He didn’t learn his lesson, either. He was humiliated in the trial, but did not learn humble himself and try to be honest with the world in front of him.

Summer driving songs

Some folks have been talking about music to drive to.

Here are a few that would make me happy:

You’re the inspiration-Chicago
Walk like an Egyptian-The Bangles
Closer to Fine-Indigo Girls
Blister in the Sun-Violent Femmes
How Bizarre-OMC
Groove is in the Heart-Dee-Lite
What’s on your mind-Information Society
Everything I do-Bryan Adams
Hand in my Pocket-Alanis Morrisette
Girls just wanna have fun-Cyndi Lauper

Well, look who’s back!

First Newborn Bald Eagles in Years Seen in Southland

I grew up around Bald Eagles. THey ate the salmon in the river near my home in Alaska. The little Susitna River was fed by hot springs, and so it never froze all the way in the winter. The Eagles could have their eagle convention down there in the winter, with the river serving up the snacks.

I was surprised and horrified when I learned as a child that Bald Eagles were an endangered species. It seemed like a terrible thing, to have our national symbol die out.

They didn’t seem endangered where I was. It made me proud of my home state.

Well, the eagles are apparently recovering from the DDT poisoning that California inflicted on them the last century. Some babies have been born near my near home in L.A.:

If the 9-week-old eaglets survive, federal and state wildlife officials say, they will have begun repopulating the southern end of their historical nesting range before bald eagles were all but wiped out in California by coastal development and the manufacture and use of the pesticide DDT.

Good luck to them!

_A Lesson Before Dying_

Jefferson was a young Luisiana black man in the 40s. He stood trial and was convicted of murder. He’s in jail, about to get the death penalty, but his godmother takes the local schoolteacher to come talk with him. That’s where the story begins.

It turns out that Emma, the godmother, wants the teacher to teach Jefferson how to die.

The Victorians were obsessesed with dying. They would think about how to do it right, author manuals about it. Some of them would create huge mausoleums. I guess we still do that today. Some of us do, anyway.

But in this case, this young man had to find a way to face the terrible injustice of prejudice with dignity. The whole community looked to him to be their representative.

Emma wanted the schoolteacher to teach Jefferson how to face death with courage. But Grant, the schoolteacher wanted nothing to do with it. Who would teach him how to face life with courage?

This is a very serious drama, about how a community interacts and relies on one another.

The power the women held in the story, the power of the preacher, and the lack of power of the sherriff were a very interesting juxtaposition.

Please god, let me never have to face such a terrible dilemma! But I would hope that i can remember to face my lesser trials with honor.

Train _My Private Nation_

Once again, I am blown away by Train. These guys consistently put out albums that are good to the last drop.

I like Pat Monahan’s vocals. They are textured enough to keep my interest, and very singalong-able.

The music is catchy, and there is a lot of range. Energetic songs, slow depressing songs, and things in between.

The lyrics have good hooks, but they are abstract and intelligent. Wow! I love that about them. Every song on this album is a collaboration, usually involving almost everybody in the writing process.

That’s a sign of a tight band, they work together to create. I think that’s a sign that they will probably not split off into separate acts. I sure hope not, because I love their sound.

Well, I could say things about this specific album. But I think I can suffice to say that it is consistently good, like their other albums. It was not a disappointed at all, and I liked their other albums a lot.

Daddy Dale

There was a free concert at Griffith Park yesterday. Surf Music! And they had the surf music God:
Dick Dale.

I have wanted to hear this guy for a long time. I guess he is not quite as well known outside of california. I certainly hadn’t heard of him til I moved here.

But he rips a guitar to shreds. He can play more notes in a shorter span of time than anyone I have ever heard. The energy! Wow!

So the concert was Free, all the more amazing. There were other acts, but I wanted to hear Dick Dale. Surprisingly, it was not too loud. I hate it when concerts are so loud that the sounds gets really distorted.

This was just the right amount of sound. He was great great great.

And he was getting old.

Many great rockers are.

Dale had the old rocker gray ponytail.

At first, he ripped through a lot of his classics. His backup band was also hugely energetic, and they bounced all over the stage.

He even was playing the guitar with drumsticks, with all the speed he had before. I couldn’t tell you how, you would have had to see it.

Then, some things changed. Dick Dale brought a musical guest on stage:

Jimmy Dale.

That’s right, Dick Dale’s 11 year old son got on stage and played with his dad. They play exactly alike! And Daddy was so proud! I’m not sure if this was Jimmy’s first concert or not, but he did better than most professional musicians I’ve seen.

An 11 year old kid! He ripped out his dad’s songs just like his dad.

It was so great. Really! I felt like we were sitting in their living room, hearing the two jam.

I would watch for Jimmy Dale. He’s already composing, even. I sure hope he gets a chance to make his mark. He deserves it.