Ever heard of Bonhoeffer?

Detriech Bonhoeffer is a thoelogian who lived in Germany during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party. He’s known for repeatedly attempting assasination of Hitler.

A Theologian who was a self-appointed assasin! Here is a man who is not satisfied with the abstract.

I actually had heard of him before, but only in the shallowest passing. I got to heat more about him on the radio today, because there is a new documentary about his life.

I am electrified! From the snippets I heard, he went through the fire of the mass delusion that was Nazi germany and hung on to the truth. And he found new facets of the truth, hard truths about themeaning of peace and the value and purpose of the church.

I wish i wish I could see this documentary. But it seems to be airing only in select churches. So I can’t seem to find it.

But I can read his works. I am going to have to.

An Award for acting

I just heard on NPR this morning about a woman who was trying to save her sons from Saddam Hussien.

It’s just like Anne Frank, really. Except the guys make it.

This mother of her two sons put on a huge act for the soldiers who came to her house to arrest her sons She would demand to know where they were.

Of course, she knew they were right upstairs. All the soldiers had to do was go look. But she acted so convincingly that the soldiers never did seach.

Eventually, she went down to THEIR station to demand to know where they were.

To get rid of her, they finally told her that the men had been executed.

For 20 years, these men did not leave their home’s upstairs. Two decades.

What a mother~! She saved her sons.

NPR interviewed the sons and the mother. The mother told them it was difficult to act for the soldiers when she knew they could put her to death.

But she also said she was pretty good at acting.