Ladies’ brunching

So, I have a daughter. She’d the only child I have. I thought I might like to have a son, but that didn’t happen.

Now, Boys are fun because they are so active and brave. My little one is pretty active too. But she does what girls do.

And what THIS girl likes to do is go out and have breakfast on a weekend.  I am pretty sure most sons would not find that charming.

She just turned 3, and I’ve decided it’s time to begin the brunching.

She does alright. She enjoys playing with the sugar packets (they make an interesting noise when you shake them), and she is happy with the kidcups she can get. “Horsey!” She likes the scrambled eggs and often says “How bout french fries?”

…requesting something not traditionally on the menu might very well be exactly the sort of thing a lady doing brunch should do…Although I will try to redirect towards potatoes.

My goal, as we progress along the brunch training path, is to get a full cup of coffee.

can’t catch the train

“I just heard that Norah Jones is doing a country album…”

my reply “I just got an album from a group that is British Country Acid House…”

Nerds are supposed to be ‘in vogue’ right now.

But, that sort of response I gave to a casual conversation…THAT is the essense of nerd-dom. Because the other woman said “I have no idea what any of those things mean”

and that was the end of that conversational train of thought. No “Please explain.”

Maybe I did the faux pas. Maybe I just should have said “oh! Fancy that! Norah Jones…”

But I wanted to talk about it, and about what I was thinking about the topic.

They didn’t have a way to even pick up that thread.


It’s lonely at the nerdtop

Don’t be a hero

Yesterday in a toastmaster’s meeting, the speaker was talking about new year’s resolutions and goals. She was encouraging us, reaching deep to instpire.

“Imagine this: What would it look like if you were to be a hero a year from now?”

I know she was trying for us to do positive reinforcement. But for me…”hero’…It is a tired word.

HEROIC is an adjective that seems always to be followed by “Sacrifice”

Billy, Don’t be a Hero. I’m not wanting to be a hero. You know, maybe I’m retiring from being a hero.

Not for my current crop of associates.

I was telling chris about this. He said “If you throw yourself on the grenade and nobody knows it’s a grenade, what does it get you?”


I’m tired of the dirty knees and grenade absorption. All the others who’ve seen me throw myself on the ground just keep thinking I’m an idiot.

Fight your own grenades. i don’t want it anymore.

But if I don’t want to be a hero, what then?