I have this hope that time will be a stable thing. I want to be solid and unchanging, like a good chair that I use every day.
It’s not just the chair though. There are a lot of players in the field of time. The sun rises and sets. The moon waxes and wanes and at the end of of a week comes the weekend. The end of rhe week is still part of the week, but it feels like a different world. It’s a marker that sets it apart and then launches the next week strong.
Until it doesn’t.
This weekend wasn’t a weekend, because I worked Saturday and Sunday. I was out in the desert for the country music festival. I slept out there, woke up at dawn and drove home to start my day. My work day.
I got messed up and distracted from what day was what. I was not as tired as last time, which might have made me evern more distracted.
There are rungs, like a ladder or a set of monkey bars that I swing off. These habit make the rhythm and the shape of my life. This weekly wonder has been part of that shape, one that is really important to me.
I make a point of it. For more than a decade now, it’s been what I do.
I am an artist and a writer. That’s what I want to be.
But am I a writer if I don’t write? I better write.
Just like that riddle about the tree falling in the forest, if I write and no one reads it did it really count?
I don’t want to have to find out.I want tokeep my habit of writing in public.
The thoughts in my head almost every week include “no one would notice if I didn’t do this. It doesn’t matter.”
But it matters to me enough that I keep doing it.
I’m grateful to my readers –to you!—for sustaining my desire to be and my identity as a writer.
This is something we are doing together.