
ah, last night went very well. A good time was had by all, and puppy was charming. Cat did not make an appearance. He is chary with his public.

And today, despite our busy Friday and Sunday (mother’s day) plans, was the first real relaxed saturday that i think I’ve had ALL YEAR. I guess it proves my idea that Chris really needed to be jerked away from work by the scruff of his neck and do something else for a change.

This is one of the reasons to have company over. That, and to force you to really clean the house for once.

Chris has been a hero-prince all day. He eve woke me up from a nap to say “I made you dinner. I BBQed for you, and it’s all ready now.”

How great is that? He’s wonderful.

So this is just about the most boring entry ever, especially after all my showcased work. But oh well. I’m feeling good, and I will be boring if I must.

Happy mother’s day, everyone!

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